So I write sleep eat and think about careers..sounds kind of crazy ..hey it's a passion..amongst others..this little corner of the universe is about conversations that I am having with interesting people along my own journey and, as a career coach.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Your Comments on the Three Interview Keys

In last week's WORKout, I talked about the three keys to a successful interview - Confidence, Chemistry, and Content. Many of our readers shared with us how they have used these principles in their own lives. I would like to pass along three of those stories:

Remi shared his understanding of the importance of confidence :

"Before I go to an interview, I really pump myself up! I tell myself a lot of positive messages: 'I'm getting this job! I am going to this interview and be the only candidate they will ever want to consider! They will decide right there that I am the best candidate for the job! I am the best candidate in the world for the job!' This sounds a bit ridiculous, but it brings my level of adrenalin to an all-time high and makes me feel like I was when I was playing team sports and going to a tournament or a hockey game."

Amber shared the following:

"Halfway through my course, I was called in for a one-on-one interview with NBC's Page Program (a job I really, really wanted). Being polished and confident about who I was and what I wanted helped me to ace the interview and I was called back for the second and final interview some months later. This interview was different, however. This was a panel interview. Being new to the corporate world (I had graduated college only six months earlier), I had never been on a second interview or a part of a panel interview. Having prepared the same way I did for the first interview, I arrived and immediately became very nervous. Having to listen to five other college graduates, who were most definitely tops of their classes, answer the same questions as me over and over again, distracted me from my plan to impress. My confidence flew out of the window even though as I look back on it today I know
that I had more experience than all of them combined. With my confidence gone my chemistry changed and although I knew I had to pull myself together, I couldn't. I left the interview upset and angry with myself for not being able to stay focused and collected like I normally am. Needless to say, I received a very nice letter from NBC two weeks later letting me know that although I was very qualified, they had decided to hire others."

Lori shared her thoughts on the three keys to interviewing success:

"I have been very fortunate in the past with people seeking me out and asking me to apply for jobs with them. As you advise, my confidence in my own abilities and in those of my team, my ability to connect with people and my understanding of the industry I work in, including the competitive environment, have all contributed to those opportunities coming my way. I've been in the same industry for the past 25 years, with only a few hops off, and thus have been able to grow my knowledge and understanding of the environment. I also monitor events, using all of the great technology that is available. When preparing for an interview, I do my research as well to gather and understand general and specific information about the company and department I am applying to join. I record my successes, as well as my lessons learned and am able to reference this information to validate my confidence, and to celebrate my accomplishments and growth!"

Thanks to those of you who took the time to share your stories. It's what I love about this format - creating conversations!


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