So I write sleep eat and think about careers..sounds kind of crazy ..hey it's a passion..amongst others..this little corner of the universe is about conversations that I am having with interesting people along my own journey and, as a career coach.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

What do Elections and Careers have in Common?

Now, I know there are two things we are
not "supposed" to discuss -politics and sex. However, I
am a bit of a political junkie. While you may not agree
with the politicians themselves, the principles they use
to get elected can be learned from (at least the ethical

I just watched an interesting documentary on the
campaign for the 2002 election. The politicians hired
GCS consultants to help them with their messaging,
polling, and strategy. The "C" in GCS stands for James
Carvelle. Does that name sound familiar? It may very
well, as he was the architect of the Clinton win in

Since that time, James has worked on elections around
the world with campaigns in wide ranging countries
such as Ireland and Russia. His team has developed a
methodology that can be applied to any election in any
country around the world. The principles are universal,
even though the issues are local.

To get the win for Goni (the candidate whom they were
working for), for example, Carvelle's team had to
determine what the big issues were for the population
of Bolivia. They then continually tweaked their campaign
message to best expose the weaknesses of their
opponents, and position Goni as the people's best
choice for leading Bolivia.

Carvelle's team employed tools consisting of polls,
focus groups, and advertisements. They used a
scientific process to gather data, and then brought in
James (the big gun!) to interpret the data, provide
input on a strategy, and guide their candidate along
the trail to winning the election. Their message was
"The Brand of Crisis: our experience is what you
(at that time, Bolivia was undergoing
tremendous challenges).

4 principles:

Find the needs of the market

Get your message in tune with the needs

Clarify and repeat your message as often as

Tweak when necessary

CareerJoy has the tools and experience to help our
clients with all four principles so that they too can
win. Write to us if you're interested in having an
experienced team in your corner (


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5:30 PM

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Best Wishes

5:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How to Make Your Dreams Come True

Of course not all dreams are pleasant and making them come true can be worse than being trapped inside a cosole horror game.

But some dreams are produced by our deeper minds and are our inner-most desires, often disguised in some strange way.

However, there is another kind of dream and that is the kind we are consciously aware of and we have them during the daylight hourse and are often just fleeting thoughts.

You know the kind. "I wish I was on a world cruise enjoying myself rather than being stuck here in the factory or behind a desk." Yes, that's also a dream because it has it is a desire that has sirfaced into our conscious minds and is something we wish for at an unconscious level.

Of course, making those kind of dreams come true is more than not virtually impossible. For example, to wish to win the lottery may never become reality in this lifetime.

However, some dreams can become reality as so many graduates of my Hypnotherapy Course have discovered.

I decided three years ago to give thousands of 'dreamers' the opportunity to fullfill their dreams and ebcome a therapist. So many people want to help other people overcome their illnesses and mental blockages to life that their only stumbling block was the cost of training. I know of hypnotherapy courses costing as much as £7,000 (more than $11,000) and training in other forms of Alternative Medicine costing as much. To become a Doctor (M.D.) can cost as much as the purchase of a house.

So, with my teeth firmly gritted together, and a determination I have no known for years, I set the goal to help at least a thousand people make their dreams come true by reducing the cost of Hypnotherapy Training so it was within the reach of almost anyone in the World.

I passed that goal having had more than 1,400 students enrol and over 800 graduate.

So in helping others make their dreams come true, I made my own dream come true and at the age of sixty-nine years of age, I am proud of that.

Why don't you take a look at what I mean at: htttp:/

Thank you for reading this,

Robert Shields

7:17 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just found your site. Well done! Check out this site self-hypnosis

7:00 PM


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