So I write sleep eat and think about careers..sounds kind of crazy ..hey it's a passion..amongst others..this little corner of the universe is about conversations that I am having with interesting people along my own journey and, as a career coach.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

7 Ways Your Company Can Revitalize Your Career

We have been discussing the research from Harvard over the past two weeks. This is the final piece for this 3 part series. See last weeks 7 habits of ineffective careers by viewing the posting below.

Here are 7 possible answers that organizations can use to revitalize your career:

  1. Remove barriers - Managers need to be encouraged to stop blocking employees and remove internal hiring bureaucracy

  2. Find the B players and nurture the keepers - They may not desire the executive suite but have a lot of internal knowledge and loyalty

  3. Fresh assignments - Offer a different geographic location or part of an organization to offer lateral moves

  4. Offer a mentoring program - This works bi-directionally. It impacts both the mentor and the less experienced

  5. Education - Doing an MBA or taking an executive program adds more to your toolkit and is great for your mind

  6. Sabbaticals - From micro to 1 year off, it is great for your sole and your soul

  7. Leadership development - Training to help nurture and develop the skills and talents towards great leadership

Bonus idea:

Volunteering and contributing to others in need brings everything into perspective - everyone wins.

These are all great ideas. Organizations are complex. I think what will separate the good from
the great employers is their ability to utilize all 7 of these elements within their organization.

P.S. Next week I will be sharing my Breakfast with Bill Gates

This week's 10 Minute WORKout:

What is one action that you could take to revitalize your career situation?

Along the road with you,

Alan Kearns


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