Mel Gibson's advice for the New Year.
I was thinking about the concept of the New Year, when I noticed pictures of four famous people on the front page of The National Post - Michael Richards, Mel Gibson, Congressman Mark Foley, and soccer star Zinedine Zidane. I am sure those four people would never have anticipated the events and choices they made in 2006, and the impact those choices would have on them both personally and professionally.
I wonder what this year has been like for you. You may be feeling quite discouraged about where you are ending the year at. Perhaps you have had some major setbacks, or, maybe, this is the best year that you have ever experienced in your professional life.
New Year is a unique phase. As we flow from one year to the next, it can feel like visiting the bank and finding a full account balance - 365 flawless days ahead! The word “end” comes from the Latin word “finis”, from which the word “finish” originates. I like that word, “finished”. I am in the midst of completing the final editing of my book, ”The Right Job, Right Now!” (coming in February to a bookstore near you!). It feels good to finish a project.
This year is almost finished - for Mel Gibson and the others, I am sure they are glad this year has ended for them. It is a chance for each one of them to start anew. If you look up the word “new” in the dictionary, you might find this phrase; “in original condition, refreshed, renewed and revived”. That is what is so terrific about January 1, 2007 - you and Mel and I are all starting the new year with the wisdom of our past successes and failures. It's the opportunity to start again. We all need that. 2007 is the option for you to renew your career, so choose wisely.
This week’s 10 Minute WORKout:
What are your top 3 successes this past year? What are your top 3 failures? What did you learn from them?