So I write sleep eat and think about careers..sounds kind of crazy ..hey it's a passion..amongst others..this little corner of the universe is about conversations that I am having with interesting people along my own journey and, as a career coach.

Monday, November 08, 2004

What if all you need is a simple tool?

On Saturday, my 7-year-old son, Aidan, was working on his homework. His assignment: find simple tools and draw a picture that illustrates what they do. Aidan was really excited to do this. He's really coming into his own with his problem solving ability. So, once I had explained the homework to him (without any examples), he took off to his room with a kick in his feet.

A few minutes later Aidan came running back; he was totally excited and impressed with himself. He showed me two great pictures: one of a spoon and one of a knife. The spoon was to lift things and the knife was to cut things.

At CareerJoy, most of our process, coaching, and tool set is simple - as simple as knifes and spoons. When we need them, we also have more complex tools too. We've recognized it's important to focus on solutions rather than fancy (and ultimately distracting) tools. So when a spoon does the trick - we use one.

Along the Road with you...


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